Smart garage door controller

esphome powered smart garage door

How to flash any YX-WS01 smart plug

How to flash any YX-WS01 tuya smart plug

Home Assistant Swiss army knife

DIY multi sensor home baseline box.

A different gift for my friend

When you see something really cool on the internet and you wish you had that idea...

Picking a strobogrammatic prime number domain name

Picking a domain name can be stresful, or you can just pick a pseudo-random number.

Toss that flash player away

Yet another threat menacing billions of users was discovered in Flash Player.

Adobe Systems, who has a long history of shameful security deficiencies in its software, is clearly not up to the task of writing code that can suffice the minimum security required to be installed in our computers.

After reading Arstechnica’s article Once again, Adobe releases emergency Flash patch for Hacking Team 0-days, I remembered a website that someone shared with me, Occupy Flash!.

The internet is calling you to take action. Lets get ride of flash player.

Why I am syncing my files with SyncThing

So I have a desktop computer and a laptop, and I want to be able to switch from one to another...

Monitoring RSYSLOG with Zabbix

Some time ago I wanted to monitor some RSYSLOG internals with Zabbix...

Manage your ram mount points with this useful puppet module

Use RAM memory to do I/O intensive operations instead hitting the HDD, or wearing off our precious SSD drives...

The Nikola Tesla Museum is happening!

So a while ago I run across this Indiegogo campaign, and couldn’t avoid it… I end up buying a brick for the long awaited Nikola Tesla Museum in the US.

Today I find out that they fulfill 259% of the $200k goal, raising the impressive amount of $518,566!

Now we just need to pick the frase that will be engraved in the brick. A friend help me and we choose a line of Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

I cant wait to visit Wardenclyffe and wander around looking for my brick!

“Creative minds are uneven.” - H.P.L.

Don Nikola

2015-07-10 Update: The engraved bricks have been delivered to Wardenclyffe and are ready to be installed!