What we know about these plugs
Brand: Amysen, Esicoo, etc. Seems to be another tuya space trooper.
Model number: YX-WS01
I love the quality of these plugs, they are well built and sturdy, unfortunately getting them to run a custom firmware is a pain, they really really want you to leave the original firmware. I will try to avoid these plugs and get something easier to flash in the future.
tuya-convert doesnt work anymore
I ordered these plugs because I saw that people where flashing them with tuya-convert, but didnt work…bummer, the factory firmware has been patched, so I had to find another way to flash it. Give it a try with the digiblurDIY guide, you might have one with the outdated firmware.
Update 20190310: a new digiblurDIY post address the same problem with other devices. Update 20200921: always up to date guide to flash esphome with tuya convert!
Hack it
I couldnt find a guide anywhere, so this might be the first one for this plug.
Jonathan from SuperHouseTV teaches how to flash anything with an esp8266, even if you dont know the pinout, so we just have to open it and solder 5 cables in the right places, easy right?
1 - Open it
I put it in a vise, compress it and used an exacto knife to help the plastic split. Release the vise, rotate the plug and repeat until the welded plastic starts to give. Then use a couple screw drivers to pry the lid off. If you are careful, you can get it oppened with minimal aestetic damage. DO NOT RUSH.
2 - Detach the board from the male plug
Once the lid poped out, you need to remove the male plug from the circuit board, this is hard because all that metal is disipating the heat, so it may take a while.
3 - Wire it like this
Prepare the custom firmware
You could download the tasmota image or make your own. I used ESPHome to create a custom firmware image. Took most of the configuration from here
Since I have several of these plugs, I used a template.
1 - create a template: .outlet-YX-WS01.yaml
name: $devicename
platform: ESP8266
board: $deviceboard
domain: ".iot.loca"
fast_connect: true
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
# Enable logging
port: 80
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: "REPLACE ME"
password: "REPLACE ME"
- platform: gpio
id: led1
number: GPIO13
inverted: true
- platform: binary
name: Status LED
id: status_led
internal: true
output: led1
- platform: gpio
name: ${friendly_name}
id: relay
number: GPIO14
- light.turn_on: status_led
- light.turn_off: status_led
- platform: wifi_signal
name: "${friendly_name} WiFi signal"
update_interval: 60s
accuracy_decimals: 0
- platform: uptime
name: "${friendly_name} uptime"
accuracy_decimals: 0
- platform: status
name: ${friendly_name} Status
id: ${devicename}_status
- platform: gpio
id: button
internal: true
number: GPIO1
mode: INPUT
- switch.toggle: relay
2 - create one of this for each outlet
devicename: socket_01
friendly_name: Socket 01
deviceboard: esp01_1m
<<: !include .outlet-YX-WS01.yaml
3 - compile and download the binary
Flash it
1 - Connect GPIO0 to ground and plug the usb adapter, after a couple seconds disconnect the GPIO0 from the ground. The esp8266 is now in flashing mode.
2 - Flash
3 - Restart the microcontroller and check that is connecting to the wifi.
4 - Solder everything back together and test it before putting the cap on (very carefully because THE ELECTRICITY WANTS TO KILL YOU)
5 - Put the cap back on, some super glue will do the trick.